As the title says, in the tradition of most Neocities websites, here's a list of sites that I find interesting. Animations Old archive of "one of the largest collections of animated GIFs on the entire Web".

Now! ( Archive of various Netscape Now! (and parody) 88x31 buttons. 4 pages full of them!

Demozoo: Site that acts as both an archive and a news site about the "demoscene", a very large group of people dedicated to creating animations, music, and graphics using older computers (Commodore 64, Amiga, etc).

Cracktro compilations, a subset of the demoscene dedicated to making animated intros to cracked/hacked versions of games.

StephenVlog, the long-time vlog channel of Stephen Georg. Has been vlogging his life since late 2009.

Gamefaqs - Pokemon Black Version: Old forum of reactions to new info about Pokemon Black/White as it came out. Interesting read for historical hindsight, if you're willing to endure repetitive topics.